This is the staging site of, The Green Design System is work in progress and not ready to use, but feel free to explore!


Green Design System, a framework designed to bring unity, efficiency, and coherent perspective to our digital experiences. Over time it will grow and evolve but always reflect our design philosophy. User needs first, being forefront and with confidence.

Our purpose

Green Design System, a framework designed to bring unity, efficiency, and coherent perspective to our digital experiences. Over time it will grow and evolve but always reflect our design philosophy. User needs first, being forefront and with confidence.


Our tonality is a voice that speaks to the user, we do not scream, but when needed we raise our voice to be heard. The balance in volume allows us to point the user in the right direction, wave to get noticed or whisper when needed.

A picture of a cabin in the woods

Visual style

This design language is a direct descendant and part of the global brand identity. It caters to designers and developers with design assets and code. Together we can focus on the user and the experience we want to build, and swiftly make changes as needed.

A picture of a cabin in the woods


The Green Design System ensures a unified visual experience. Empowering designers and developers with versatile, accessible and coherent components.